Scumbag Child Rapist In Court


     Cody Kozicki. Cody Kozicki. Cody Kozicki. Cody Kozicki. Why do I write these posts? This local case is probably the least-viewed series on this blog. It's because I hate you and your kind that much. I've already noticed that this blog is half of the search results when your name is googled, and that should help ensure you are that much more reviled by your fellow humans, and that's using the word a bit loosely to describe you. Your social media pages were taken down so you couldn't violate your bond conditions again, so all that's left aside from this is your arrest records: someday soon, your sex offender registration page will pop up all over the place. You don't need recognition, though. Even the weird kids at the school you are banned from found you weird.

     When I write your name that many more times, Cody Kozicki, this post becomes more suggested when your name is searched, and that is because I'd like to take a moment to highlight your vomit-inducing, booze-chugging meemaw. She brought you to court today, where your plea negotiations were held out until August. A waste of time when you're obviously guilty and obviously belong in prison, but all the more time for me to raise awareness about you.

     Cody lives with Granny, and either Granny's baking pot brownies or she's completely brain-dead. I know the uglier version of Kathy Bates probably still bathes him, but it wouldn't matter. He made his tiny, shriveled package plainly visible to every young girl in Pulaski, Wisconsin. Maybe it reminds her of Grandpa, as he's not in the picture for some reason.

     Probably for the better, as vehicles are weapons, his grandmother still drives him around in her white Nissan Altima with Wisconsin license plate number 384-HBE. She's a complete wretch who stands by her weird grandson no matter what. I would have had nothing to do with Crazy Cody even before the sexual assault of numerous children, but they have matching haircuts and even wear their khaki pants the same way, so maybe they have the same mental wiring, too.

     Let me let you in on a little secret, Cody. You can hope she lives to be 100, but old people aren't sustainable friends, and she's the last one you've got.


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