To Catch A Predator Update: Fortson, Part One


John Adam Daniels was convicted of attempted child molestation in 2007 and sentenced to 5-10 years in prison. He was released in 2012. In 2015, he was arrested for failing to register as a sex offender in Alabama, and he served from December 2016 to May 2020.

Christopher Xavier Cannon was sentenced to 5 years in prison and released in 2011 after serving his full sentence. He remains on probation until 2026 and must be an RSO for life. The youth church director is now banned from unsupervised contact with youths.

Rolando Restocruz was a staff sergeant who brought a camisole, a webcam, lube, and condoms in his truck. He received 5 years and was released in 2011 after serving most of his sentence. He will remain on probation until 2036 and must register as a sex offender for life. He is currently wanted for failure to register as a sex offender and faces prison and probation extension when he is caught.

Gerald White was the man who tried to bring riding boots and hypnotize a child. His father, a minister (like everyone or everyone's relative in Georgia), spent considerable time and money on his defense. He was sentenced to 7 years in prison because he dragged out his case and showed no remorse. His appeals were denied. In 2011, he was released from prison because he was dying of cancer, and he passed in February 2013 as an RSO. 

Another man who should have taken the plea was Reymundo Anguiano. He dragged his case out for a year and a half and was sentenced to 7 years in prison. He was released in 2011, and will remain on probation until 2026 and be labeled an RSO for life. 

Matthew Cogburn was convicted and sentenced to 4 years in prison. He was released in 2009, and he must remain on probation until 2025 and register as a sex offender for life. He dated a girl who broke up with him when she found out what he did, and he has tried to play the "I Can't Be Bad Because I Believe In God" Card. He has also started doing art, and has a website; his boss apparaently kept his job for him while he was in prison. 

If religion is king in Georgia, then Marvin Harrison Smith II was the devil of the investigation, a label he deserves. He received 13 years in prison (despite his family pleading and claiming discrimination in the media) because his chat was especially vulgar. In it, he described raping a girl and sodomizing her friend, tattooing "Black Man's P***y" on her ginitalia, trafficking the girl for money, and having a threesome with his girlfriend. He was released in 2013, and will be on probation until 2025 and be an RSO for life. One other detail: he is a pastor and remains so.

While Smith got the book thrown at him, Abhilash Bhaskaran was the one man who avoided jail. He fled the country, despite having a family in the U.S., and is wanted by the Harris County Sheriff's Department. He is believed to be in Kerala, India.

Perhaps Joseph Myrick should have had the book thrown at him a little more. Despite being a convicted felon who had cocaine on him, he only received 5 years in prison, and he was released in 2009. He will be on probation until 2024 and must register as a sex offender for life. 

Peter Sciacca shouldn't have had the book thrown at him; it probably bounced right back and killed Louis Conradt. The former star of "My 600-Pound Life" received 5 years in prison and was released in 2011. His probation expires in 2026, and he will be that oh-so-sweet RSO for life.


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