Sexual Abuse Counseling Week 12: Help Others Going Through Emotional Trauma


     The impact of helping others going through emotional trauma cannot be stressed enough. It does not have to be sexual abuse: it can be a bad breakup, a bad grade, or a bad day. Recognizing your coping mechanisms and seeking to help others is indicative of a higher level of emotional maturity as well as real progress.

     Helping others also reminds one that humans are fragile creatures by nature, a result of excellence and, as hard as it may sometimes be to see, a natural compassion that allows the species to progress rather than content itself coasting by, just surviving. Although it may remind whomever you are helping that they are not alone, it will also do the same for you.

     Famous musicians, politicians, scientists, and other heroes have had tragic backgrounds and gone on to lead successful lives, and anyone is capable of doing this if they possess the right skills. Sometimes, people are put in each other's lives for a reason, and providing counsel demonstrates this perfectly.

     Lending emotional support, offering advice that seeks not to judge human beings who make mistakes, or even providing a welcome distraction are all ways that can help generally, but, in the end, you know your friend best and YOU know what they need.


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