Marsha Bartel: A Miserable, Insecure Old Woman


     Marsha Bartel was already in her fifties when NBC decided to let her go. She seems to think it was because she was opposed to "To Catch A Predator." What she fails to realize is that this was not the cause of her dismissal, but a symptom of the cause. She believes that the law enforcement agencies and hundreds of officers from 7 different states as well as the KBI, the GBI, the FBI, and the Attorney General's Office of Kentucky were not professional, despite only one officer ever being accused of misconduct from the investigations.

     She is out-of-touch. She calls herself an "award-winning journalist," but why anyone would give her an award is beyond me. She is almost old enough to collect Social Security benefits, and she has done nothing but work for a few local stations in the past 12 years. She seems to hold some vague notion of journalistic integrity in higher regard than the safety of her children.

     I hope she didn't have kids. If she did, they've already moved out of reach of her hellish parenting. If she has a child under 18, then (s)he is completely soft in the mind, anyway. Oddly enough, there are pictures of me winning a trophy in an elementary school contest online, but I could not find a single picture of her or a single report on any achievements. Marsha Bartel already acts like a baby, and soon she'll have diapers to complete her look.


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