Sexual Abuse Counseling Week 4: Seek Justice


     The legal system is fucked up. My abuser was a victim himself, and, thanks to the handiwork of a lawyer, remained in a household as a child where he was subjected to abuse. This did not excuse the suffering he inflicted upon myself and others, but it is a demonstration of the influence money has on supposedly-blind justice. My abuse was reported, and in turm I was subjected to Hell. I was called in school to speak with officers and counselors, I may have had to take the stand to recount what happened, and the lawyer wanted to press charges against someone, who shall remain anonymous, who attacked my abuser in a fit of rage. In the end, because of the young age of both parties, it would be years of Hell that would likely result in some community service and counseling for my abuser.

     It was better to move on, although it would take me almost a decade to come to terms with what had happened to me. Cases like this, especially when the victims are children, always have unpredictable results. However, if someone so chooses, seeking justice is never a bad idea. To make a case before the world and face the rapist, to let them know that they are in territory where all power they once held has been taken away from them, can do unimaginable things to benefit the survivor. It will also, whether there is a conviction or not, permanently ruin the reputation of the heinous person who seeks power by destroying the lives of others.

     No matter the results, you can always be satisfied that you fought for what was right, what you knew to be just in your heart of hearts. It may take time-- in my case, I was too young to face interrogation and the stares of 12 jurors-- but, if you are ever ready, seeking justice in some form is an important step in taking power away from the sexual predator and limiting the impact on your psyche.


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